Saturday, June 20, 2009

25 Randon Things about Paula

This is a list I posted on Facebook but thought I should include it in my Blog too.

1. I am usually a happy, positive person. I think it’s fun to be extra friendly to a grumpy person and have them grin back, despite themselves.
2. I think my positive attitude is a product of the blessed life I grew up with. I was raised by two nurturing and supportive parents, and surrounded by a close extended family.
3. I grew up on five acres where we raised horses, chickens, and lots of pets.
4. Who wouldn’t be happy?
5. I want to raise my girls with an inner sense of right and wrong and the self confidence to stand on what they believe, no-matter what peer pressure says.
6. I admire my husband for his passion. Everything he pursues with 110% effort and for-thought and I feel incredibly blessed to have found him as my soul mate.
7. I like people and make friends quickly. But I’m slow to develop close relationships. My husband and I were best friends first, and we still are.
8. I describe myself as an active, non-athletic person. I accept the fact that I have no natural athletic abilities but I still like to get outside and have fun.
9. My current favorite “sport” is walking, but I used to do a lot of hiking. I once climbed The Brothers in the Olympic Mountains with MY brother, Justin.
10. I was diagnosed with MS a couple years after I moved to Alaska.
11. I like to ignore ailments or frustrations and just assume they’ll go away. Usually they do but this hasn’t worked with MS. When my body temp. goes up, my legs get clumsy.
13. I’m kind of sarcastic but have leaned to be careful around sensitive people.
14. I don’t really like living this sheltered, spoiled life of an expat. We have staff to do everything but no privacy and really little independence.
15. OK, I’ve got to admit, having someone drive my car, do my laundry, clean my house, etc. does give more time to spend with my girls and pursue other interests. Who’s complaining?
16. I’m thinking about getting my teaching certification. Growing up as a teacher’s kid, I’ve always felt like I might end up as one some day.
17. I loved the adventure of living in Alaska and would like to get back someday, but maybe not permanently. I’m not sure I’m prepared for the winters cold enough to freeze the hair inside my nose.
18. I’ve caught lots of salmon in Alaska. Fly fishing for them is my favorite.
19. I think grandparent-grandchild is an invaluable relationship. I grew up seeing my grandparents at least once a month and they’ve always been very important to me.
20. I hope I can help my children form close relationships with their own grandparents and extended family, even though we live farther away.
21. I lived in Spain during my first 2 years of life and Germany during 5th grade.
22. I’m ever grateful that my parents raised me with a strong appreciation of the varied cultures in our world and an open mind.
23. I love being a stay-at-home mom, but can respect that it’s not for everyone.
24. I still love it when my 6-year old climbs in bed with me in the morning to snuggle, and when my 8-year old wants me to read a story to her.
25. My Mom has the best quote “I love every stage of your childhood; I just wish you’d stay in each stage a little longer.”

1 comment:

Jenny Quld said...

Hi, I've just found your blog, its great!

LOL, I so agree with number 14 and 15, and are half way through doing number 16!

Its always nice to read about others experiences in Indonesia.